January 8, 2009


I can't say it was love at first sight, with Zooey and me. Sure, I saw her quirky pictures and name appear in every blog and basically all of the magazines that matter. But I never made an effort to understand what the fuss was about. So when I watched Yes, Man tonight, I was very pleasantly surprised, and now I'm finally on board. I can even officially say I have a third girl crush. Katy Perry, Lily Allen, Zooey Deschanel... Do you see the resemblance, too?


  1. Yes, I definetly see the resemblance! 40's inspired, quirky, dark haired ladies, all of them!

  2. She's gorgeous. I saw her on Nylon a few months ago. Love her style :)

  3. aww i love her, she's gorgeous! her eyes are stunning!

  4. I love people who look like her. Deep, penetrating eyes, fair skin, dark brown glossy hair...So pretty!

    PS: Little Boots _ Stuck on Repeat, incredible song, wooo!

  5. @ Something Picasso: I know, especially the full, glossy hair... Whatever I try, mine never ends up looking that pretty! And how about Little Boots eh?! I predict mega stardom for them in 2009 :)
