January 10, 2009

things to create in

Lately I've noticed I need more ways to channel my creativity and ideas than this blog. I'm a superorganised person (or at least I only function properly when I am), so I need solutions for interviews, article ideas and moodboards. The latter should be big, the others should be in the form of some kind of notebook.

Flipping through the latest Monocle issue, I came across Archie Grand Notebooks. They seem like a fun and colorful alternative to Moleskine. If I'd decide to use them, I think I might order the designers and writers copies. But I don't like the idea of some pages already being filled with information, even if it is about interesting personalities.

I know most of you out there are enthralled by Moleskine, but I'm not so sure. I've filled a couple of them, but I don't like the quality of their paper (too heavy) and their covers (too stiff). I do like their medium sized format though, and the elastic band to keep it closed. I thought I might cave, because I came across a website that personalizes your Moleskine by laser engraving. A Moleskine with quote by Roald Dahl sounds perfect, but $39 for a notebook I'll use up in under three months?

So I'm desperate for other options... What notebooks do you use? Or what other kind of medium do you have lying around to pour your inspiration into? Do you have corkboards against the wall? Do you pin pictures to the wall? Let me know!


  1. I'm into Moleskin just because they're classics. But Archie Grand Notebooks look so sweet! I should look into them...

  2. I use a moleskin diary and then just a little fabric-covered notebook for my inspirations. These look pretty though!

  3. Ah I really want to get a moleskin but I am afraid I will get too lazy to write in them & It'll be wasted :(

  4. I use moleskin to draw in, always keep one in my bag, but I need a calendar as well, I'm thinking of another moleskin ^^ But those from Archie looks very cool too!
