In my research for a column on recession chic, I got inspired to make an extra promise to myself for 2009. I think the basis of the term recessionista comes down to improvising, being creative, finding beauty where you least expect it, and surprising yourself and others with inventive solutions. I'd like to try not to get carried away by new fashion fads this year, but to further define my style by pushing my creative limits instead of those of my credit card. I've never made a decent effort to go vintage shopping, and I've certainly never tried to turn my existing wardrobe into something new. So I'm planning to change that from now on. When I see all of those inspiring style blogs online, I see what an imaginative mind can - and what wads of cash can't - create. So in honor of all of those ladies online, I give you a little top three of inspiration for my new recessionista style.

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